Together we can stop domestic violence and abuse against women, children and pets.

Help Line: 800-403-6120. ext.100

Our Shelter

MercyHouse is a federal Tax exempt organization under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. This organization is committed to meeting the needs of our clients from young to old regardless of where they come from.

Domestic violence, sexual assault and abuse have no class or qualification and neither is it a respecter of humans and Pet. Study has shown that most victims are not just verbally, emotional and physically abuse but most often includes some form of sexual assault.

Our program and services promote positive change, increase awareness, counseling and productivity in spite of our client circumstances. We are committed to preventing Domestic Violence and Abuse by creating a better living environment for vulnerable women and children through education, legal and financial assistance. We immediately introduce life skills that alter mindsets and a safe place away from the abuser. This allows a brief period of reflection and a period of time for the victim to regain their self-esteem, confidence, coping skills and dignity.

Founded in August 2010, MercyHouse is registered and incorporated in the state of Texas. As a survivor, the founder is committed to restoring dignity and quality of life to the women she serves.

Over the years, the organization has developed a loyal group of supporters and collaborators in spite of the hard economic times, challenges and limited funding. She has managed to serve and place those in need in safe and home like environmental shelter.

Domestic Violence creates numerous psycho-social problems for the survivors.
MercyHouse achieves its mission by emphasizing health literacy, competency and education in a holistic environment.
Counseling is a major part of our program and all our survivor victims must participate in individual or group counseling.

The process for utilizing MercyHouse includes:

  • Intake Screening
  • Assessment
  • Creating an individual plan of action to help the client become self-sufficient

Our program allows us to follow up with the client, as long as the woman is committed to overcoming their situation.

Our goal is educating, training, supporting and nurturing clients and their children to wholeness. When they leave MercyHouse and get their own place, we continue to follow up and support them through a one year self-reliance program.
We also encourage those who successfully complete the program to become volunteers and empower other Survivor victims.

Our pet program is unique and allows our survivor victims to have a companionship that serves as comfort and an emotional support.

This service includes:

  • The pets as a Therapy which primary function is to provide emotional support through companionship.
  • Provides healing and recovery as part of family support.
  • Helps with coping mechanism; this eases pain, hanger and frustrations from the trauma that was experienced during the family crisis.

MercyHouse / FAQ

Eligibility for Services

Who can access services?

Victim/Survivors of Domestic Violence (women and young men ages 16 and older)
Victim/Survivors of Sexual Assault, Incest, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Harassment, Sex Trafficking(women and young men, children 5-16).
Victims of Dating Violence (pre-teens, teens, adults)
Children who have witnessed domestic violence (ages 6-16)

Are there any fees for services?

All of our services are provided free of charge. When applicable, we will offer referrals to other service providers, some of whom are free, sliding scale or for fee.

Are your services confidential?


Do I have to give my name over the phone?

No, you may use an alias.

Do you offer services for men?

No, our services are available for all survivors of domestic and sexual violence, and their non-offending family and friends. We do not offer Battering Intervention and Prevention classes; however our hotline can refer you to organizations offering these services. We do not offer couples counseling for domestic violence victims and their abuser. We believe that the safety of domestic violence victims is further jeopardized when they enter into couples counseling with their abusers.

Do you offer services in another language?

Yes, our hotlines are staffed by English, French, Vietnam, Mandarin- Chinese, Africa(WAZOBIA) and Spanish speakers available upon request. We also have volunteers and staff who speak a number of different languages, and can also employ the use of a language line, which allows us to communicate with anyone speaking any language.

Do you offer services for those individuals with disabilities (hearing or vision impaired, mental health issues, physical disabilities)?

Yes, upon request, assistant is provided to all individuals with disabilities.

Can I bring my children with me?

Yes, you can bring your kids with you.

How can I find shelter?

Our Hotlines of hope is a gateway of our services, including shelter. For a safe place, please call this hotline to inquire about shelter, counseling and advocacy.
Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-403-6120
Other Line s to call: National Sexual Assault Hotline 1-800-656-4673

I'm not ready to leave but want to talk to a counselor. How do I make an appointment?

For services related to domestic violence counseling and support, you can call our 24-Hour Domestic Violence Hotline at 1(800)403-6120. If out of State please call: 1-800-799-7233 | 1-800-787-3224 (TTY)
For services related to sexual assault or sexual abuse, please call 1-800-403-6120

What times do you offer counseling and group support?

Counseling is offered Tuesday through Saturday. We offer morning, afternoon and evening appointments and support groups. During your initial assessment and registration for services, we will discuss the times that might work best for you.

What can I expect from my first visit?

A trained counselor or advocate will ask you about your situation to find out if our services fit your needs or goals. We will explain our services and provide relevant information about sexual assault and/or domestic violence. If you would like to receive our services, we will register you at that time. We will also provide appropriate outside referrals when necessary.

What if I have an emergency and the line is busy?

If you are in immediate danger, call 911.
Our hotline advocates want to ensure that each caller's questions are answered and they are provided with helpful information and resources specific to their needs. This means that occasionally, all phone lines are occupied. Please wait a few minutes and call back.